Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany – Yearbook 2022
Dr. Braun, Eberhard (Editor) Achern

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Part One
- United States Exceptionalism in SME Restructuring: The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019
By Jason J. Kilborn, Professor of Law, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law, USA - Implementation of the Restructuring Directive in Europe: What is the state of play?
By Patrick Ehret, Attorney-at-Law in Germany and Attorney-at-Law in France (AMCO), Certified Specialist in International Law and European Law in France - The Restructuring Practitioner
- Rehabilitation Mediation
- The Franco-German draft European Business Code
By Urs Peter Gruber, professor at the University of Mainz and Jean-Luc Vallens, honorary judge, former associate professor at the University of Strasbourg - Prospects for recovery and digitalisation status
By Matthias Müller, MSc Finance and Information Management, BSc Economics, Volker Riedel, Graduate Degree in Economics, Tax and Accounting, and Dr Michael Rozijn, Attorney-at-Law in Germany and Certified Specialist in IT Law - Self-administration proceedings following the legislative reform – practical impacts for self-administration and supervision
By Dr Jürgen Erbe, MBA, Attorney-at-Law in Germany and Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law, and Christoph Wehr, Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business Administration and Master of Arts in Finance, Accounting, Corporate Law and Taxation - The property sector – the CO2 debate as disruptive event
By Christian Alpers, Certified Business Accountant (Dipl.-Betriebswirt), Certified Property Valuer (IHK) and partner at Falkensteg GmbH, and Rüdiger Bauch, Attorney- at-Law in Germany and Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law - Insolvency statistics
By Volker Böhm, Attorney-at-Law in Germany and Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law - Corporate Insolvencies in Germany in 2020
- Corporate Insolvencies in Germany, First Six Months of 2021
- Insolvency Proceedings Opened in Germany, 2011–2020
- Insolvency Proceedings Opened in Germany, 2020
- Insolvency Proceedings Opened in Germany, First Six Months of 2021
- Number of self-administration proceedings since the ESUG was introduced in March 2012
- Ranking of the Top 10 Law Firms in 2020
- Ranking of the Top 10 Law Firms, First Six Months of 2021
- Insolvency Courts in Germany, Offices of Schultze & Braun
- Event Calendar, Venues and Dates on Insolvency Law in 2022
- German-English Glossary
Part Two
- Further suspension of the obligation to apply for commencement of insolvency proceedings and the transitional rule regarding directors’ liability
By Dr Elske Fehl-Weileder, Attorney-at-Law in Germany and Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law - Insolvency Code
- Extract of the Reconstruction Assistance Act 2021 (Aufbauhilfegesetz 2021, AufbhG 2021)
- Act to Temporarily Suspend the Obligation to Apply for Commencement of Insolvency Proceedings and to Limit Directors’ Liability in the Case of Insolvency Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic (COVID-19-Insolvenzaussetzungsgesetz, COVInsAG)
- Extract of the Introductory Act to the Insolvency Code
- Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Businesses (Unternehmensstabilisierungs- und -restrukturierungsgesetz, StaRUG)
- Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (as of 15 december 2021)
- List of Abbreviations