Restructuring: seize opportunities

Over their life cycle, companies will periodically encounter challenges that must be faced. Internal circumstances, external crises or a combination of both can sometimes make a company’s financial position particularly challenging. The good news is that you are not alone. Helping companies seize opportunities through focussed restructuring is our daily business.

Our experts will work with you to analyse the reasons for the current situation and develop and implement approaches to restructuring. This will help your company to get back on track with what it does best: devising, improving and selling excellent products and services.

Restructuring consultant

The Schultze & Braun approach to restructuring

Our firm includes specialists. With business management, employment law and insolvency expertise all covered, we put together the right team for each individual engagement. This means that we can answer your questions expertly and professionally and help you seize opportunities and overcome challenges. Restructuring a company can involve a variety of requirements and take various forms. Our experts in restructuring measures can answer all your questions about your impending restructuring even before illiquidity occurs and can help you prepare and implement your ideas, including across international borders.

For Schultze & Braun, the foundation for any restructuring project is a comprehensive business analysis and plan to organise your business operations during the restructuring phase and prepare your individual restructuring plan.

If your company is on the brink of illiquidity, we will help you prepare and implement a preventive restructuring programme using tools provided by the Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Businesses (Gesetz über den Stabilisierungs- und Restrukturierungsrahmen für Unternehmen, StaRUG), or alternatively reorganise your company under court supervision in the context of protective shield proceedings. If illiquidity has already occurred, reorganisation via self-administration proceedings may be a suitable route to restructuring for your company, where our numerous experts can guide you through the entire process. We can also call on recognised experts in restructuring employment law and ensure financing for your restructuring through effective collateral management.

And if you no longer wish to operate a company, or are unable to do so, we can help you leave the market in an orderly fashion via liquidation or a managed exit and arrange for your company to be removed from the commercial register.

There are many options for addressing and overcoming the challenges your company is facing. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.


Unlocking perspectives

Detlef Specovius
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law), Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)