Site notice

Schultze & Braun Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft für Insolvenzverwaltung mbH

Registered office

Eisenbahnstraße 19-23
77855 Achern
Telephone: +49 7841 708-0
Fax: +49 7841 708-301


Other addresses

Notice in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)

Schultze & Braun is not obliged and not willing to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation body.


Schultze & Braun Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft für Insolvenzverwaltung mbH is registered in the Federal Republic of Germany as a firm of lawyers.

Law societies

Schultze & Braun Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft für Insolvenzverwaltung mbH is a member of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Freiburg.

Fee regulations and codes of professional conduct

The following fee regulations and codes of professional conduct apply:


Holger Blümle

Commercial register

Mannheim Local Court (Amtsgericht) • HRB 220689


DE 194 442 137

Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Registered Office

Eisenbahnstraße 19-23
77855 Achern
Telephone: +49 7841 708-0
Fax: +49 7841 708-301



Other addresses

Notice in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)

Schultze & Braun is not obliged and not willing to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation body.


Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungs­gesellschaft is registered in the Federal Republic of Germany as a firm of lawyers and firm of auditors.

Law societies / chambers of public accountants

Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungs­gesellschaft is a member of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Freiburg and the Wirtschaftsprüfungskammer Berlin.

Fee regulations and codes of professional conduct

The following fee regulations and codes of professional conduct apply:


Dr Eberhard Braun

Commercial register

Mannheim Local Court (Amtsgericht) • HRB 220528


DE 186 753 019


Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft

Registered office

Eisenbahnstraße 19-23
77855 Achern
Telephone: +49 7841 708-0
Fax: +49 7841 708-301



Other addresses

Notice in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)

Schultze & Braun is not obliged and not willing to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation body.


Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft is registered in the Federal Republic of Germany as a firm of lawyers.

Law societies

Schultze & Braun GmbH Rechtsanwalts­gesellschaft is a member of the following bar associations: Rechtsanwaltskammer FreiburgRechtsanwaltskammer Straßburg and Rechtsanwaltskammer Paris.

Fee regulations and codes of professional conduct

The following fee regulations and codes of professional conduct apply:


Achim Frank

Commercial register

Mannheim Local Court (Amtsgericht) • HRB 220942


DE 242937580
FR 41489845677


Schultze & Braun GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Registered office

Eisenbahnstraße 19-23
77855 Achern
Telephone: +49 7841 708-0
Fax: +49 7841 708-301



Other addresses

Notice in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)

Schultze & Braun is not obliged and not willing to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation body.


Schultze & Braun GmbH Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungs­gesellschaft is registered in the Federal Republic of Germany as a firm of accountants and firm of auditors.
Schultze & Braun GmbH Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungs­gesellschaft is a member of the Steuerberaterkammer Südbaden and the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer Berlin.

Fee regulations and codes of professional conduct

The following fee regulations and codes of professional conduct apply:


Guido Koch

Commercial register

Mannheim Local Court (Amtsgericht) • HRB 716377


DE 236244146


Responsible in the sense of § 18 section 2 MStV (Medienstaatsvertrag – State Media Treaty):

Rechtsanwalt Achim Frank (Attorney at Law in Germany)
Eisenbahnstraße 19-23
77855 Achern/Germany