Modern auditing can bring you so much more!

At Schultze & Braun, modern auditing means using the latest digital tools to thoroughly familiarise ourselves with the customer’s industry and precisely analyse a company’s specific situation. For our certified public accountants, expertise and up-to-date information are the cornerstone of every decision, essential for business success and allow you and your company to plan safely ahead. We are more than just your company’s auditors. We are your reliable sparring partner who will advise and support you, develop ideas and implement initiatives. Modern auditing can bring you so much more!

As an auditing firm with many years’ experience of supporting companies, we can offer you and your company a wide range of auditing services.


Financial statement audits

Schultze & Braun is the right partner whether for a statutory audit of individual or consolidated annual financial statements or for a voluntary audit. With the benefit of many years’ experience of providing auditing services to small, medium-sized and large companies, we do far more than just examine your accounts. We start by reviewing the economic and legal environment your company operates in – regardless of whether your financial statements are prepared in accordance with German or international accounting standards. Using the findings of this review, we develop measures with you for optimising structures and processes, for example by improving your management accounting or risk management systems or introducing efficient inventory systems. So you can be sure that your company has the optimum structures for effective management control.


Business valuations

If you need a substantiated business valuation, you can rely on the expertise of Schultze & Braun. At Schultze & Braun, we can provide indicative business valuations as well as valuations in accordance with standard IDW S1 of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (Institute of Public Auditors). Our certified public accountants use various business valuation methods, selecting the most suitable for each specific case. Our clients value our expertise and rely on the judgement of our experienced certified public accountants – whether for corporate purposes or to determine a purchase price for a transaction.


Due Diligence

Careful analysis ahead of time is the basis for any good transaction or business relationship. With a thorough due diligence review of the legal, financial and fiscal risks of your project, our certified public accountants create the foundation for successful development of your company. Schultze & Braun can help you analyse and identify the risks of a transaction, business model or business partner from a money laundering prevention perspective, as well as help you prepare business plans.

What can we do for you?


Foreseeing perspectives

Oksana Miglietti
Wirtschaftsprüfer (Chartered accountant), Steuerberater (Tax consultant), Dipl.-Kauffrau (FH) (certified business accountant)