Insolvency administration

Nobody wants to see their company in crisis. But no company is immune from difficulties and, if a crisis should occur, a corporate insolvency is sometimes unavoidable. The days when insolvency proceedings automatically meant the end of a company, however, are long gone. In fact, reorganisation in the context of insolvency proceedings can offer the chance of a sustainable fresh start. Our study on the sustainability of corporate reorganisations also shows this.

When it comes to insolvency administration and insolvency advice, the Schultze & Braun approach is always to keep the company entrusted to us in business wherever possible and appropriate. This is because when reorganisation succeeds, it is not just the company itself that benefits, but the creditors too. They can limit their losses to the maximum extent possible and do business with the reorganised company again in future. Reorganisation is especially beneficial for employees, who get to stay in their jobs and continue to earn a living.

In our insolvency administration activities, we use the full range of tools that modern insolvency law offers. We also draw on a wide range of expertise gained from around 50 years’ experience of restructuring and reorganisation and from our work in various roles, including as insolvency administrator, insolvency advisor, supervisor and chief restructuring officer (CRO). Schultze & Braun is among Germany’s most experienced firms of insolvency practitioners and is regularly in the top five of German insolvency firms. Our specialists – many of whom are certified specialists in insolvency and reorganisation law – are appointed by numerous insolvency courts throughout Germany to act as (preliminary) insolvency administrators.

Preserve perspectives

Our focus: the company’s capacity for reorganisation

In a corporate insolvency, we do everything financially possible to enable the company to continue to trade and preserve and reorganise the company and its workforce. We do this regardless of whether the debtor is undergoing traditional insolvency proceedings (standard insolvency), insolvency proceedings in self-administration or protective shield proceedings. In every insolvency administration engagement, our experts examine whether the company concerned has the capacity for reorganisation and develop tailored restructuring and reorganisation concepts. Our insolvency administration does this using the broad range of legal and business expertise offered by the firm’s interdisciplinary team.

We address reorganisation as early as possible in the process, and no later than during the preliminary insolvency proceedings. The actions defined and planned can then be implemented already during the commenced insolvency proceedings. This allows the company to bring the restructuring and reorganisation efforts to a successful conclusion and to open up prospects for business continuation swiftly. Typical measures are a reorganisation by business transfer, with an investor coming on board, or a reorganisation using an insolvency plan which will keep the business in the hands of its current owners.

We take the interests of the creditors and the debtor into account

The debtor, its capacity for reorganisation and continuation of its business are not our only focus, however. In the (preliminary) insolvency administration context, our experts, as court-appointed (preliminary) insolvency administrators, are also focused on securing the insolvency estate for the benefit of the creditors. This is also the role conferred on them by the Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung) and the insolvency court. We always keep the full range of options and tools in mind, develop tailored solutions and implement them with a view to achieving specific solutions. In this way, companies and creditors benefit equally from the insolvency administration. Ideally the result is a company which is in a significantly better position than previously and is once again able to face the challenges of competition.



Information for creditors

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Contact persons

Rüdiger Bauch

Rüdiger Bauch

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Elke Bäuerle

Elke Bäuerle

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)741 17464-30

Holger Blümle

Holger Blümle

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) (certified business accountant)

Wirtschaftsmediator (IHK) (Business mediator, Chamber of Commerce)

+49 (0)721 91957-0

Volker Böhm

Volker Böhm

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)911 60079-0

[Translate to Englisch:] Stefano Buck

Stefano Buck

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law)

+49 (0)7841 708-321

Ralph Bünning

Ralph Bünning

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)421 3686-589

Manja Busch

Manja Busch

Steuerberaterin (Tax consultant)

Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (BA) (certified business accountant)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Harald Bußhardt

Harald Bußhardt

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law)

+49 (0)351 88527-0

Dr. Thomas Dithmar

Dr. Thomas Dithmar

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht (Certified Specialist in Tax Law)

+49 (0)361 5513-0

Alexander Eggen

Alexander Eggen

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)911 60079-120

Alrun Ehmann

Alrun Ehmann

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)911 60079-120

Stefanie Engelhard

Stefanie Engelhard

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)421 3686-270

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Jürgen Erbe, MBA

Dr. Jürgen Erbe, MBA

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)621 480264-0

Dr. Elske Fehl-Weileder

Dr. Elske Fehl-Weileder

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)911 60079-121

Katharina Franke

Katharina Franke

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)911 60079-121

Simone Gisdal

Simone Gisdal

Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (AfAS) (certified business accountant)

+49 (0)681 87625-111

[Translate to Englisch:] Edgar Grönda

Edgar Grönda

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht (Certified Specialist in Tax Law)

+49 (0)421 3686-589

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Dietmar Haffa

Dr. Dietmar Haffa

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) (certified business accountant)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)711 23889-0

Tobias Hartwig, MBA

Tobias Hartwig, MBA

Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH) (diploma in business law)

+49 (0)531 6128720-110

Dr. Dirk Herzig

Dr. Dirk Herzig

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)371 38237-0

Tobias Hirte

Tobias Hirte

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)


Tatjana Jürcke-Richter, LL.B.

Tatjana Jürcke-Richter, LL.B.

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

+49 (0)621 480264-0

Christina Keane

Christina Keane

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

Fachanwältin für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)421 3686-475

[Translate to Englisch:] Susi Barbara Kropp-Kuhn

Susi Barbara Kropp-Kuhn

Dipl.-Rechtspflegerin (FH) (Graduate Registrar)

+49 (0)7841 708-311

[Translate to Englisch:] Harald Kroth

Harald Kroth

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law)

+49 (0)7841 708-321

Stefan Ludwig

Stefan Ludwig

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)30 3083038-200

Joachim Mendler

Joachim Mendler

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Wirtschaftsjurist (Univ. Bayreuth)

+49 (0)711 23889-480

Andreas Müller

Andreas Müller

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)30 3083038-200

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Dirk Pehl

Dr. Dirk Pehl

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)7841 708-311

Simon D. Reichle

Simon D. Reichle

Steuerberater (Tax consultant)

Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH) (diploma in business law)

+49 (0)711 23889-415

Christoph Rothämel, LL.M. oec.

Christoph Rothämel, LL.M. oec.

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)361 5513-0

Frank Schmitt

Frank Schmitt

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)69 50986-155

Dr. Markus Schuster, B.Sc.

Dr. Markus Schuster, B.Sc.

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)711 23889-0

Heitje Thürnagel

Heitje Thürnagel

Rechtsanwältin (Attorney at law in Germany)

+49 (0)391 5354-0

Kristin Winter, LL.M.

Kristin Winter, LL.M.

Wirtschaftsjuristin LL.M.

+49 (0)531 6128720-110

Kerstin Zimmer

Kerstin Zimmer

Steuerberaterin (Tax consultant)

+49 (0)341 26972-0