The nearest parking facility is the parking garage at the main station (subject to charges).
Contact persons
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)
Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)
+49 (0)341 26972-0
Steuerberaterin (Tax consultant)
Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (BA) (certified business accountant)
+49 (0)341 26972-0
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)
Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law)
+49 (0)351 88527-0
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)
Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)
+49 (0)371 38237-0