
Insolvency administrators Leipzig

The nearest parking facility is the parking garage at the main station (subject to charges).

Contact persons

Rüdiger Bauch

Rüdiger Bauch

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Manja Busch

Manja Busch

Steuerberaterin (Tax consultant)

Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (BA) (certified business accountant)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Harald Bußhardt

Harald Bußhardt

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency Law)

+49 (0)351 88527-0

Dr. Dirk Herzig

Dr. Dirk Herzig

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (Certified Specialist in Insolvency and Reorganisation Law)

+49 (0)371 38237-0

Christoph Rothämel, LL.M. oec.

Christoph Rothämel, LL.M. oec.

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)361 5513-0

Kerstin Zimmer

Kerstin Zimmer

Steuerberaterin (Tax consultant)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Schultze & Braun Leipzig Außenansicht Bürogebäude

Restructuring Leipzig

The nearest parking facility is the parking garage at the main station (subject to charges).

Contact persons

René Schmidt

René Schmidt

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany)

+49 (0)341 26972-0

Schultze & Braun Leipzig Außenansicht Bürogebäude