Holistic advice

Recognising potential -
opening up new perspectives

Companies need strong partners – partners like Schultze & Braun. For over 50 years, we have helped companies to manage financial difficulties, avoid crisis situations and exploit business opportunities. Our lawyers, tax advisors and certified public accountants combine legal and business expertise and perform management functions – for comprehensive advice and service.

We develop new perspectives

We advise clients on all aspects of recovery, restructuring and insolvency. Regionally, nationally and internationally.


In a crisis we stand strong and by your side. We support both companies and individuals in distressed situations. As a shareholder, director, employee, business partner or creditor of a company in financial difficulty, you can rely on us. Our restructuring expertise not only allows us to create perspectives to develop your business. It also allows us to use our experience to avoid crises occurring in the first place.


Working on perspectives

We offer the opportunity to participate responsibly in the interdisciplinary counselling of our clients and to meet the challenges of our high quality standards.



competent team members





We are here for you


25+ Locations


2 Locations


2 Locations